Located 700 km (435 mi.) above the Arctic Circle, this is one of the richest wildlife habitats in Nunavut. Polar bears, walruses, five species of seal, narwhal beluga whales, bowheads and Orcas are all part of the scenery here, so remember your camera!

The polynyas are areas of unfrozen open water created by warm upwelling sea currents that prevent the surface from freezing. These become vital feeding areas for a wide variety of marine animals, which you can observe up-close! The Bylot Island Bird Sanctuary is home to almost a million birds, and you can arrange for transportation and guided tours with a local expert to see this amazing spot.

Canoeing and kayaking are also favourite local activities, as there are countless bays and rivers feeding into peaceful inlets waiting to be explored. Visit Pond Inlet and see wildlife unlike any you will ever see in the north!

Black Point Lodge Hotel
PO Box 60
Sauniq Hotel, Inns North
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